Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

Flyers are a cost-effective, smart way to promote your business. You can quickly tell a lot of people more about what you do and what you offer, as well as provide information about offers and product launches, without any specialist knowledge of marketing or particularly complicated techniques.


In today’s world, leaflet printing is seen as a poor relation to internet marketing and other multimedia advertising. But leaflet and flyer printing has much to offer. These documents can produce highly effective results that you may not be able to achieve through other methods of advertising. Here’s how you can design flyers and leaflets that get your business noticed.

Write Effective Marketing Copy

The general rules for writing marketing copy are the same whether you are producing an internet page, a leaflet, or a brochure. You first need to identify your target market and figure out which tone of voice to use, what kind of language, and what results you hope to achieve. Split your message into smaller parts so that people can more easily read the text and navigate through your leaflet. It is better when you can divide the text into smaller sections and it is also easier to write. Remember to focus on the benefits of your product or service, not just what it is. Think about your customers’ needs and how you can fulfil these needs. And figure out your USP, making sure that you know how you stand out from the rest and how you are different. Asking questions is an effective way to build involvement with your text and make people interested in what you have to say.

Add a Call to Action

The call to action is essential in flyer design and flyer printing. It is not enough to include details and benefits of your products but you also need to add the call to action to encourage people to take the necessary next step towards your goal. You need to start to turn interaction through a flyer into new business. One of the best ways to use a flyer is to advertise a special event or sale, so it makes sense to add the call to action of turning up at the sale, or visiting the website to claim a discount. Make sure that you set a time limit on the special offer so that you don’t overstretch your resources.

Focusing on the Layout

Actually designing a leaflet can be difficult. It helps, if you are not familiar with the design process, to have some help when laying out your text and images. You could get a designer to make you a basic template that you can work with, or have someone completely design the entire leaflet. It depends on your confidence and skills.

Image: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
