Posts Tagged ‘Commercial’

Emergency Lighting | Primer on Commercial Emergency Lights

Emergency lighting is an important feature for any modern commercial building. Read on to learn why these fixtures are essential to your establishment.

Why Your Commercial Establishment Needs Emergency Lighting (Header 1)Are you planning to open a commercial establishment? Then, you should have an electrical contractor install proper emergency lights. Read on to learn about the reasons why you should have them:

They can shorten evacuation times.
People have difficulty finding their way out of a building when the power goes down. They can’t see where they are going, so it often takes longer to evacuate an establishment. But, during an emergency, time is of the essence. For example, when a fire happens, individuals must get out of the building as soon as possible to avoid inhaling too much smoke.

Proper emergency lighting can help shorten the amount of time it takes to evacuate a building and save more …